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1:1 Consulting

Join forces with Empower Labs Co. and discover the magic of tailored pep-talks and strategy sessions! Whether you're craving a quick chat for that "uh-oh" business moment or seeking a strategy BFF for the long-haul, we've got the personalized mojo to boost your biz vibes.

​Our Empower-Mint Method

We're all about mixing up a custom cocktail of solutions for your one-of-a-kind business goals. Dive into actionable insights whipped up from our data-driven secret recipe, guiding you towards decision-making brilliance. With our cutting-edge tactics and a deep dive into the industry's latest, we're that cool consultancy sidekick every superhero business needs. Jump into our transformative 1:1 strategy sesh and feel the change!

One-off Flash Strategy Sessions

Dipping your toes with a one-off chat? Here's the scoop:

  • Zoomed-in chitchats zeroing in on your "what's up" moment.

  • Tailored tidbits and guru guidance for your right-now riddles.

  • Ready-to-rock insights and game plans for tackling that curveball.

  • Clear-cut cues and next-steps to steer your ship smoothly.

Ongoing Empower Elevations

Ready for sustained success? Here's the journey:

  • Strategy sit-downs that never hit the snooze button.

  • A rock-solid alliance with the Empower entourage.

  • Consistent check-ins to keep your biz playbook fresh.

  • Adapting and pivoting with you as new challenges pop up.

Let's Get Started

  • Address specific challenges, set goals and kickstart your journey

  • Propel your marketing efforts forward with our 5-session package

  • Experience the true power of marketing with our 10 session package

  • Achieve marketing mastery with 24 intensive coaching sessions


Contact us today to schedule your consultation and unlock your business's full potential.

Let’s Work Together

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We are based in Sydney, Australia. Open to working with clients globally.

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